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4-Burner Gas Range with Oven IGR(HGR)-905

Предмет №: IGR(HGR)-905
4-Burner Gas Range with Oven    IGR(HGR)-905
For the bottom gas oven
Black enameled castic oven with temperature adjustable from 120 to 330°C.
Turbular steel burner rated 4.6kw with self-stabilizing flame.
Piezoelectric ignition of pilot flame.
Product Description:
4-Burner Gas Range with Oven(IGR-905)
Technique parameter:
Model: IGR(HGR)-905
Dimensions: 800X900X970MM
Power: 64348BTU/Hour
Model: IGR(HGR)-905
Dimensions: 700X750X910MM
Power: 64348BTU/Hour

1. Burner with 4 stabilized-flame gas burners made of cast copper and controlled by pilot flames.
2. Safety valves fitted with thermocouple ensure that gas flow will be immediately shut off in the even that a burner is extinguished accidentally or a failure occures.
3. Two-burner acid-resistant black enameled cast-iron grates.
4. Burner With stainless steel drip pans.
For the bottom gas oven
Black enameled castic oven with temperature adjustable from 120 to 330°C.
Turbular steel burner rated 4.6kw with self-stabilizing flame.
Piezoelectric ignition of pilot flame.
Safety valves fitted with thermocouple ensure that gas flow will be immediately shut off in the even that a burner is extinguished accidentally or a failure occures.
Removable,high-radiance,ribbed cast-iron bottom plates.
Silicone rubber oven door gasket,easily replaceable. 

Good Performance Commercial Cooking Ranges Used In All Kind Of Kitchens.


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